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Numatic WV470 Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner Reviews

( 7 Reviews )

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7 reviews for Numatic WV470 Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner

Great machine, great price
My first machine lasted over 15 years, and was heavily used abused. I hope this replacement lasts as long as the first.
4702 hoover
we have sold at least a dozen of these machines to valeting industry and they are very good value for money
Workshop Vacuum
This vacuum is used daily in my musical instrument workshop. It has great suction, and a huge capacity. I particularly appreciate the long hose and even longer cable. It's too early to say about reliability, but I've owned a 'Henry' at home for years, which has been brilliant. The only thing missing from this one is a wind up cable store, which my 'Henry' has. I thoroughly recommend these Numatic vacuums, and they're great value, too.
Workshop WetDry Vac
Excellent price and prompt delivery woulld use this supplier again.
Cleaner for Community Hall
This seems just right for the job very happy so far
Numatic Wet Pick Up
This product is simple to use, very effective. Added to this light weight,simple to handle and easy to clean maintain. All round good value for money.